To give a brief few updates, the brainSCANr manuscript was not even sent out for review (hooray!) so we decided to do a few presubmission inquiries at journals to see if it's even of interest to anyone. We're sure the paper will find a home, we're just not sure where.
Also, we've set up a Google Group for discussion. You can join it here:

This past Saturday, Brad and Jess spent all day at the Health2.0 Developer Challenge (aka the "code-a-thon") at the Googleplex. This event was intended to pair researchers, developers, designers, and folks from the health industry to provide rapid prototypes to address social and person issues in health and medicine.
Neither of us really knew what to expect when we got there, but it ended up being a really cool experience. We started with Brad giving a brief presentation to the crowd about brainSCANr and why we built it. This piqued the interest of a few people in the crowd, and soon we were off in a group discussing some other possibilities with data-mining PubMed.
After about an hour, we were met by Alex from MEDgle (another great heath data mining service), who recognized Brad from Twitter.
We quickly decided on a tool to map where the primary research on health topics was being performed, and one of the members of the group (Sean) dubbed this "careMAPr".
You can see the rapid demo prototype here:

Right now this only works for ADHD for the USA, but the idea would be to allow anyone to enter any search term, and we would query PubMed for that topic. From the results we can identify where the primary research is being conducted. The user could even search by year to highlight only researchers who have recently published on a topic, for example.
The problem that we are trying to address with this site is how to connect the lay community with research specialists. The use case scenario we presented was this: imagine you are a parent whose child was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Maybe your kid was prescribed a drug as part of their treatment. But maybe your child also has another disease, and you want to know about research looking at the relationship between that disease and ADHD.
Right now, the best most people have is to do some Google searching (which can result in very dubious or even misleading information). You can talk to a psychiatrist, but maybe that doctor doesn't really know much about ADHD. How can you find a clinician in your area who does? We hoped that our site might serve as such a resource.
Anyway, the project was very fun, and we were all pretty surprised with how much we managed to put together in just a few hours. We're not sure if we're going to see this one through the the finish, but we hope to.
What do people think about the idea? Any suggestions?